FB unseen

Blocks the "seen" feature of the facebook messenger.

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Sick of the new "seen" feature of facebook? Block the read receipts with this extensions and your friends will no longer be able to see if you read their messages. You will still be able to see if they read your messages. Additionally you get a button to mark messages explicit as read.

"Mark as read" button broken

The "Mark as read" button does not work anymore because of a recent update of the facebook messenger. Before the update, every visit of the Full Conversation page (facebook.com/messages/10000xxxxxxxxxx) caused facebook to set the Seen mark. This is no longer the case. The benefit of course is that you can no longer accidently mark a message as read by visiting this page. The downside is that the Mark as read button did exactly this, requesting the Full Conversation page, therefore it does not work anymore.

The Full Conversation page now also uses the facebook.com/ajax/mercury/change_read_status.php script like the chat does. To make the button work again, it would also need to send a request to that script. In this request it needs to send some more data, for example your facebook id, the id of the conversation and some other stuff. Currently every request to this script is blocked, making the button work again would require some more work, because it needs to be distinguished between automatically read receipts, which should be blocked, and manually send read receipts, which should not be blocked - but all requests are going to the same URL.

With the current version of Chrome it is not possible for an extension to analyse the POST data of a request, but several other developers also requested access to it. A Google Employee is working on this feature, and it might be possible to have it included in Chrome 25. For more details visit the chromium bugtracker, issue 91191. I guess there is no way to fix the Mark as read button before this feature is available, but even if it is available, I'm not sure when I can implement it, because it requires to fully understand what to send to the change_read_status.php script. I would appreciate any help with this, go ahead and fork the repository!

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